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80 results
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from 2 juillet to 29 août 2024
LEVEL No experience required AGES From 9 year old EQUIPMENT Sport gear, baskets and water TIMES 3 x 2 hours MEETING POINT Auberge ...
  • from :
    • 113 € /person
le samedi 3 août 2024
  • from :
    • 10€ /person
  • from :
    • 70 € /person
from 8 juillet to 19 août 2024 le lundi
  • from :
    • 15 /person
  • from :
    • 10€ /person
from 8 juillet to 1er septembre 2024
  • from :
    • 26 € /person
from 8 juillet to 1er septembre 2024
  • from :
    • 26 € /person
from 11 juillet to 22 août 2024
  • from :
    • 7€ /person
from 9 juillet to 20 août 2024
AGES From 7 years old EQUIPMENT Technical equipement provided. For the larges pieces a surcharge is requested. TIME From Monday to ...
  • from :
    • 27 € /person
from 10 juillet to 21 août 2024
  • from :
    • 7€ /person
  • from :
    • 6€ /person
  • from :
    • 48 € /person
from 1er juillet to 31 août 2024
  • from :
    • 64 € /person
from 8 juillet to 1er septembre 2024
In the footsteps of animals. LEVEL Accessible to all AGES From 7 to 13 years old EQUIPMENT Hiking shoes, small bag with water and snack, ...
  • from :
    • 26 € /person
from 1er juillet to 31 août 2024
Introduction session LEVEL No experience needed AGES From 5 to 7 years old EQUIPMENT Technical gear included Baskets, bag with water, ...
  • from :
    • 44 € /person
from 1er juin to 30 août 2024
LEVEL Green level: for person discovering mountain biking AGES From 1 m 40 EQUIPMENT Sport gear, baskets or hiking shoes, a bag with water, ...
  • from :
    • 70 € /person
  • from :
    • 9€ /person
  • from :
    • 26 € /person
from 1er juillet to 31 août 2024
Introduction course LEVEL No experience needed AGES From 5 to 7 years old EQUIPMENT Technical gear included Baskets, bag with water, sun...
  • from :
    • 122 € /person
le samedi 3 août 2024
  • from :
    • 10€ /person
LEVEL No experience required Learning: control of braking and balance on less stable ground around the Village. AGES From 6 to 8 years ...
  • from :
    • 84€ /person
from 1er juin to 30 septembre 2024
The via ferrata is a course climbed cliff, with a cable called "lifeline", which is permanently connected. Whenever you encounter a passage ...
  • from :
    • 120 € /person
from 17 juin to 13 septembre 2024
Day hike in order to discover the inhabitants of our mountains with a guide. His trained eye will detect several animals which are generally confused ...
  • from :
    • 45 € /person
from 1er juillet to 31 août 2024
  • from :
    • 430 € /person